Last updated: 2018-08-27

workflowr checks: (Click a bullet for more information)
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The reviewer 2’s simulation #1 with weak unknown factor.

# Setting up the known and unknown factors. 
known <- runif(1000) 
unknown <- runif(1000, 0, 0.1) # weak unknown factor 

# Generating Poisson count data from log-normal means. 
ngenes <- 5000 
known.effect <- rnorm(ngenes, sd=2) 
unknown.effect <- rnorm(ngenes, sd=2) 
mat <- outer(known.effect, known) + outer(unknown.effect, unknown) + 2 # to get decent-sized counts 

counts <- matrix(rpois(length(mat), lambda=2^mat), nrow=ngenes) 
se <- SummarizedExperiment(list(counts=counts)) 

# Running IA-SVA, version 0.99.3. 
design <- model.matrix(~known) 
res <- iasva(se, design,, permute = FALSE) 
# IA-SVA running...
# SV 1 Detected!
# SV 2 Detected!
# SV 3 Detected!
# SV 4 Detected!
# SV 5 Detected!
# # of significant surrogate variables: 5

cor(res$sv[,1], unknown) # these SVs are not the unknown factor (correlation ~= 0) 
# [1] 0.05699341
cor(res$sv[,2], unknown) 
# [1] -0.1317231
cor(res$sv[,3], unknown) 
# [1] 0.06301151
cor(res$sv[,4], unknown) 
# [1] -0.08444932
cor(res$sv[,5], unknown) 
# [1] 0.1239618

cor(res$sv[,1], known) # ... but are instead the known factor (correlation ~= +/-1) 
# [1] -0.9988192
cor(res$sv[,2], known) 
# [1] 0.9971117
cor(res$sv[,3], known) 
# [1] -0.9558875
cor(res$sv[,4], known) 
# [1] 0.9982102
cor(res$sv[,5], known) 
# [1] -0.9934994

## Compare to just naively taking the first PC of the residual matrix. 
# Attaching package: 'limma'
# The following object is masked from 'package:BiocGenerics':
#     plotMA
resid <- removeBatchEffect(log(assay(se)+1), covariates=known) 
pr.out <- prcomp(t(resid), rank.=1) 
abs(cor(pr.out$x[,1], unknown)) # close to 1 
# [1] 0.9766822
abs(cor(pr.out$x[,1], known)) # close to zero. 
# [1] 2.35573e-17

## Compare to SVA
mod1 <- model.matrix(~known)
mod0 <- cbind(mod1[,1])
sva.res = svaseq(counts,mod1,mod0,$sv
# Number of significant surrogate variables is:  5 
# Iteration (out of 5 ):1  2  3  4  5
abs(cor(sva.res[,1], unknown)) # 0.55
# [1] 0.5522043
abs(cor(sva.res[,1], known)) # close to zero.
# [1] 0.04603016

hf.mat1 <- cbind(known, unknown, res$sv[,1], pr.out$x[,1], sva.res[,1])
colnames(hf.mat1) <- c("KF","HF","IASVA","PC1_Residual","SVA")
corrplot.mixed(abs(cor(hf.mat1)), tl.pos="lt")

Expand here to see past versions of sim1-1.png:
Version Author Date
5e29c04 dleelab 2018-08-22
c241b04 dleelab 2018-08-03

The reviewer 2’s simulation #2 with stronger effect size.


known <- runif(1000) 
unknown <- runif(1000) 

ngenes <- 5000 
known.effect <- rnorm(ngenes, sd=2) 
unknown.effect <- rnorm(ngenes, sd=2) 
mat <- outer(known.effect, known) + outer(unknown.effect, unknown) + 2 # to get decent-sized counts 

counts <- matrix(rpois(length(mat), lambda=2^mat), nrow=ngenes) 
se <- SummarizedExperiment(list(counts=counts)) 

design <- model.matrix(~known) 
res <- iasva(se, design,, permute = FALSE) 
# IA-SVA running...
# SV 1 Detected!
# SV 2 Detected!
# SV 3 Detected!
# SV 4 Detected!
# SV 5 Detected!
# # of significant surrogate variables: 5

cor(res$sv[,1], unknown) # first SV is the unknown factor. 
# [1] -0.9960557
cor(res$sv[,2], unknown) 
# [1] 0.7637275
cor(res$sv[,3], unknown) 
# [1] 0.7564822
cor(res$sv[,4], unknown) 
# [1] -0.7629373
cor(res$sv[,5], unknown) 
# [1] 0.4760279

cor(res$sv[,1], known) 
# [1] -0.004959888
cor(res$sv[,2], known) # but SVs 2-5 are correlated with the known factor... 
# [1] -0.7014209
cor(res$sv[,3], known) 
# [1] -0.7076734
cor(res$sv[,4], known) 
# [1] -0.476617
cor(res$sv[,5], known) 
# [1] -0.8898334

## Compare to just naively taking the first PC of the residual matrix. 
resid <- removeBatchEffect(log(assay(se)+1), covariates=known) 
pr.out <- prcomp(t(resid), rank.=1) 
abs(cor(pr.out$x[,1], unknown)) # close to 1 
# [1] 0.9963041
abs(cor(pr.out$x[,1], known)) # close to zero.
# [1] 1.691586e-16

# Compare to SVA
mod1 <- model.matrix(~known)
mod0 <- cbind(mod1[,1])
sva.res = svaseq(counts,mod1,mod0,$sv
# Number of significant surrogate variables is:  1 
# Iteration (out of 5 ):1  2  3  4  5
abs(cor(sva.res[,1], unknown)) # close to 1 
# [1] 0.9900321
abs(cor(sva.res[,1], known)) # close to zero.
# [1] 0.0007644251

hf.mat2 <- cbind(known, unknown, res$sv[,1], pr.out$x[,1], sva.res[,1])
colnames(hf.mat2) <- c("KF","HF","IASVA","PC1_Residual","SVA")
corrplot.mixed(abs(cor(hf.mat2)), tl.pos="lt")

Expand here to see past versions of sim2-1.png:
Version Author Date
5e29c04 dleelab 2018-08-22
c241b04 dleelab 2018-08-03

Several issues in the simulation studies suggested by the reviewer #2

We noticed several issues in these simulations. First, SVA or factor analysis based methods including IA-SVA are designed to estimate hidden variables with distinct levels (i.e., factors) or a transformation of factors. However, instead of simulating factors (e.g., a variable with two levels (1 and -1)) as typically done in such analyses1,2 (e.g., see and Method section (Simulated data) of, the reviewer simulated numeric vectors from a uniform distribution (e.g., runif(1000)) and used them as hidden variables. We note that this leads, like IA-SVA, SVA also to perform poorly in the simulation study (r = -0.55) (see Second, IA-SVA does not accept intercept column in the design matrix; therefore instead of design, design[,-1] should have been used in these simulations. Third, the reviewer simulated counts using a Poisson distribution (mean = variance); however, negative binomial or zero-inflated negative binomial is a more appropriate model to simulate high variability (mean << variance) in bulk or single cell RNA-seq data. Fourth, even though only one hidden factor is simulated in the study, IA-SVA was forced to generate five hidden factors by setting the option ‘’ = 5. This leads IA-SVA to generate SV2-SV5, which are highly correlated SV1. To avoid this, we recommend users using the permutation procedure (by setting the default setting for option ‘permute’ (i.e, permute = TRUE) in ‘iasva’ function) or ‘fast_iasva’ function to determine the number of meaningful hidden factors. Lastly, to simulate a hidden factor with stronger effect sizes, the standard deviation (sd) in “unknown.effect <- rnorm(ngenes, sd=2)” should be increased (e.g., sd=4); rather increasing the range of simulated factor values from “unknown <- runif(1000, 0, 0.1)” to “unknown <- runif(1000)”. We have repeated the simulation studies by taking into consideration these points below.

Corrected simulation with low correlation btw known and hidden factors

# Setting up the known and unknown factors. 

## to reduce the computational burden, we reduced the sample size (# of cells) and # of genes.
sample.size <- 100 
ngenes <- 2000     

# CORRECTEION: Here, we simulate factors with two levels (-1 or 1).
factor.prop <- 0.5
flip.prob <- 0.5 ## to make no correlation btw known and hidden factors
known <- c(rep(-1,each=sample.size*factor.prop),rep(1,each=sample.size-(sample.size*factor.prop)))
coinflip = rbinom(sample.size,size=1,prob=flip.prob)
unknown = known*coinflip + -known*(1-coinflip)
cor(known, unknown)
# [1] -0.06030227

# Generating Poisson count data from log-normal means. 
# CORRECTION: to make factor with weak effect size, we use 1 as SD here.
known.effect <- rnorm(ngenes, sd=1) 
unknown.effect <- rnorm(ngenes, sd=1)

# To make estimation of the hidden factor more challenging, here we ramdomly select 1500 (75%) and 1900 (95%) genes from each effect size vector and set their effect sizes as 0. That is, only 25% and 5% of genes are affected by the known and hidden factors, respectively. 
known.effect[sample(1:ngenes, 1500, replace=FALSE)] <- 0
unknown.effect[sample(1:ngenes, 1900, replace=FALSE)] <- 0

mat <- outer(known.effect, known) + outer(unknown.effect, unknown) + 2 # to get decent-sized counts 
counts <- matrix(rpois(length(mat), lambda=2^mat), nrow=ngenes)
se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays=counts) 

# Running IA-SVA, version 0.99.3. 
design <- model.matrix(~known) 

# CORRECTION: IASVA doesn't accept the constant term of design matrix, so we use design[,-1] instead of design
res <- iasva(se, as.matrix(design[,-1]), threads=8) # iasva detected only one hidden factor.
# IA-SVA running...
# SV 1 Detected!
# # of significant surrogate variables: 1
# fast_iasva used here. <- fast_iasva(se, as.matrix(design[,-1]))  # fast_iasva detected only one hidden factor.
# fast IA-SVA running...
# SV 1 Detected!
# # of obtained surrogate variables: 1

#plot(res$sv[,1], unknown) 
abs(cor(res$sv[,1], unknown)) ## absolute value of cor(SV1, unknown factor) = 0.9995
# [1] 0.9972323
abs(cor(res$sv[,1], known))   ## absolute value of cor(SV1, known factor) close to zero.
# [1] 0.0707345

#plot($sv[,1], unknown) 
abs(cor($sv[,1], unknown)) ## absolute value of cor(SV1, unknown factor) = 0.9995
# [1] 0.9972323
abs(cor($sv[,1], known))   ## absolute value of cor(SV1, known factor) close to zero.
# [1] 0.0707345

# Compare to just naively taking the first PC of the residual matrix. 
resid <- removeBatchEffect(log(assay(se)+1), covariates=known) 
pr.out <- prcomp(t(resid), rank.=1) 
#plot(pr.out$x[,1], unknown) 
abs(cor(pr.out$x[,1], unknown)) # close to 1 
# [1] 0.9951611
abs(cor(pr.out$x[,1], known)) # close to zero. 
# [1] 4.020405e-16

# Compare to SVA
mod1 <- model.matrix(~known)
mod0 <- cbind(mod1[,1])
sva.res = svaseq(counts,mod1,mod0)$sv
# Number of significant surrogate variables is:  1 
# Iteration (out of 5 ):1  2  3  4  5
#plot(sva.res[,1], unknown)
abs(cor(sva.res[,1], unknown)) # close to 1 
# [1] 0.9967295
abs(cor(sva.res[,1], known)) # close to zero. 
# [1] 0.05326845

hf.mat3 <- cbind(known, unknown, res$sv[,1], pr.out$x[,1], sva.res[,1])
colnames(hf.mat3) <- c("KF","HF","IASVA","PC1_Residual","SVA")
corrplot.mixed(abs(cor(hf.mat3)), tl.pos="lt")

Expand here to see past versions of sim1_corrected-1.png:
Version Author Date
5e29c04 dleelab 2018-08-22
c241b04 dleelab 2018-08-03

Corrected Simulation with high correlation btw known and hidden factors with stronger effect sizes

Here, we simulated known and hidden factors are strongly correlated (r=0.7) and affect 25% and 5% of genes respectively. We also simulated stronger effect sizes by increasing sd from 1 to 2 when simulating effect sizes from normal distribution,“unknown.effect <- rnorm(ngenes, sd=2)”.

# Setting up the known and unknown factors. 

# to reduce the computational burden, we reduced the sample size (# of cells) and # of genes.
sample.size <- 100 
ngenes <- 2000     

# CORRECTEION: Here, we simulate factors with two levels (-1 or 1).
factor.prop <- 0.5
flip.prob <- 0.8 # to simulate high correlation btw known and hidden factors
known <- c(rep(-1,each=sample.size*factor.prop),rep(1,each=sample.size-(sample.size*factor.prop)))
coinflip = rbinom(sample.size,size=1,prob=flip.prob)
unknown = known*coinflip + -known*(1-coinflip)
cor(known, unknown) # correlation between known and unknown factors = 0.7
# [1] 0.6940221
# Generating Poisson count data from log-normal means. 
# CORRECTION: to make factor with stronger effect size, we use 2 as SD here.
known.effect <- rnorm(ngenes, sd=2) 
unknown.effect <- rnorm(ngenes, sd=2)

# To make estimation of the hidden factor more challenging, here we ramdomly select 1500 (75%) and 1900 (95%) genes from each effect size vector and set their effect sizes as 0. That is, only 25% and 5% of genes are affected by the known and hidden factors, respectively. 
known.effect[sample(1:ngenes, 1500, replace=FALSE)] <- 0
unknown.effect[sample(1:ngenes, 1900, replace=FALSE)] <- 0

mat <- outer(known.effect, known) + outer(unknown.effect, unknown) + 2 # to get decent-sized counts 
counts <- matrix(rpois(length(mat), lambda=2^mat), nrow=ngenes)
se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays=counts) 

# Running IA-SVA, version 0.99.3. 
design <- model.matrix(~known) 

# CORRECTION: IASVA doesn't accept the constant term of design matrix, so we use design[,-1] instead of design
res <- iasva(se, as.matrix(design[,-1]), threads=8) # iasva detected only one hidden factor.
# IA-SVA running...
# SV 1 Detected!
# # of significant surrogate variables: 1
# fast_iasva used here. <- fast_iasva(se, as.matrix(design[,-1]))  # fast_iasva detected only one hidden factor.
# fast IA-SVA running...
# SV 1 Detected!
# # of obtained surrogate variables: 1

#plot(res$sv[,1], unknown) 
abs(cor(res$sv[,1], unknown)) ## absolute value of cor(SV1, unknown factor) = 0.9995
# [1] 0.999519
abs(cor(res$sv[,1], known))   ## absolute value of cor(SV1, known factor) close to 0.7.
# [1] 0.7031551

#plot($sv[,1], unknown) 
abs(cor($sv[,1], unknown)) ## absolute value of cor(SV1, unknown factor) = 0.9995
# [1] 0.999519
abs(cor($sv[,1], known))   ## absolute value of cor(SV1, known factor) close to 0.7.
# [1] 0.7031551

# Compare to just naively taking the first PC of the residual matrix.
resid <- removeBatchEffect(log(assay(se)+1), covariates=known) 
pr.out <- prcomp(t(resid), rank.=1) 
#plot(pr.out$x[,1], unknown) 
abs(cor(pr.out$x[,1], unknown)) # cor = 0.7 
# [1] 0.7191922
abs(cor(pr.out$x[,1], known)) # close to zero. 
# [1] 3.721348e-16

# Compare to SVA
mod1 <- model.matrix(~known)
mod0 <- cbind(mod1[,1])
sva.res = svaseq(counts,mod1,mod0)$sv
# Number of significant surrogate variables is:  1 
# Iteration (out of 5 ):1  2  3  4  5
#plot(sva.res[,1], unknown)
abs(cor(sva.res[,1], unknown)) # cor = 0.7 
# [1] 0.7306284
abs(cor(sva.res[,1], known)) # close to zero.
# [1] 0.07688679

hf.mat4 <- cbind(known, unknown, res$sv[,1], pr.out$x[,1], sva.res[,1])
colnames(hf.mat4) <- c("KF","HF","IASVA","PC1_Residual","SVA")
corrplot.mixed(abs(cor(hf.mat4)), tl.pos="lt")

Expand here to see past versions of sim_corrected_high_corr-1.png:
Version Author Date
5e29c04 dleelab 2018-08-22

More challenging scenario.

Here, we simulated the known and hidden factors to affect only 100 (5%) and 20 (1%) genes respectively. We simulated the 20 genes affected by the hidden factor to be also affected by the known factor. Similarly, the two factors are highly correlated (r=0.7).

# Setting up the known and unknown factors. 

# to reduce the computational burden, we reduced the sample size (# of cells) and # of genes.
sample.size <- 100 
ngenes <- 2000     

# CORRECTEION: Here, we simulate factors with two levels (-1 or 1).
factor.prop <- 0.5
flip.prob <- 0.8 # to simulate high correlation btw known and hidden factors
known <- c(rep(-1,each=sample.size*factor.prop),rep(1,each=sample.size-(sample.size*factor.prop)))
coinflip = rbinom(sample.size,size=1,prob=flip.prob)
unknown = known*coinflip + -known*(1-coinflip)
cor(known, unknown) # correlation between known and unknown factors = 0.7
# [1] 0.6940221
# Generating Poisson count data from log-normal means. 
# CORRECTION: to make factor with stronger effect size, we use 2 as SD here.
known.effect <- rnorm(ngenes, sd=2) 
unknown.effect <- rnorm(ngenes, sd=2)

# To make estimation of the hidden factor more challenging, here we select 1900 (95%) and 1980 (1%) genes from each effect size vector and set their effect sizes as 0. That is, 5% and 1% of genes are affected by the known and hidden factors, respectively. All 20 genes affected by the hidden factor are affected by the known factor. 

known.effect[1:1900] <- 0
unknown.effect[1:1980] <- 0

mat <- outer(known.effect, known) + outer(unknown.effect, unknown) + 2 # to get decent-sized counts 
counts <- matrix(rpois(length(mat), lambda=2^mat), nrow=ngenes)
se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays=counts) 

# Running IA-SVA, version 0.99.3. 
design <- model.matrix(~known) 

# CORRECTION: IASVA doesn't accept the constant term of design matrix, so we use design[,-1] instead of design
res <- iasva(se, as.matrix(design[,-1]), threads=8) # iasva detected only one hidden factor.
# IA-SVA running...
# SV 1 Detected!
# # of significant surrogate variables: 1
# fast_iasva used here. <- fast_iasva(se, as.matrix(design[,-1]), pct.cutoff = 2)  # fast_iasva detected only one hidden factor.
# fast IA-SVA running...
# SV 1 Detected!
# # of obtained surrogate variables: 1

#plot(res$sv[,1], unknown) 
abs(cor(res$sv[,1], unknown)) ## absolute value of cor(SV1, unknown factor) = 0.9995
# [1] 0.9831191
abs(cor(res$sv[,1], known))   ## absolute value of cor(SV1, known factor) close to 0.7.
# [1] 0.8073574

#plot($sv[,1], unknown) 
abs(cor($sv[,1], unknown)) ## absolute value of cor(SV1, unknown factor) = 0.9995
# [1] 0.9831191
abs(cor($sv[,1], known))   ## absolute value of cor(SV1, known factor) close to 0.7.
# [1] 0.8073574

# Compare to just naively taking the first PC of the residual matrix.
resid <- removeBatchEffect(log(assay(se)+1), covariates=known) 
pr.out <- prcomp(t(resid), rank.=1) 
#plot(pr.out$x[,1], unknown) 
abs(cor(pr.out$x[,1], unknown)) # cor = 0.7 
# [1] 0.7114086
abs(cor(pr.out$x[,1], known)) # close to zero. 
# [1] 3.193674e-16

# Compare to SVA
mod1 <- model.matrix(~known)
mod0 <- cbind(mod1[,1])
sva.res = svaseq(counts,mod1,mod0)$sv
# Number of significant surrogate variables is:  1 
# Iteration (out of 5 ):1  2  3  4  5
#plot(sva.res[,1], unknown)
abs(cor(sva.res[,1], unknown)) # cor = 0.7 
# [1] 0.6006951
abs(cor(sva.res[,1], known)) # close to zero.
# [1] 0.09633978

hf.mat5 <- cbind(known, unknown, res$sv[,1], pr.out$x[,1], sva.res[,1])
colnames(hf.mat5) <- c("KF","HF","IASVA","PC1_Residual","SVA")
corrplot.mixed(abs(cor(hf.mat5)), tl.pos="lt")

Expand here to see past versions of sim_corrected_high_corr_challenging-1.png:
Version Author Date
5e29c04 dleelab 2018-08-22

#par(oma = c(0, 2, 2, 2))
pdf("output/FigureL2.pdf", width=6,height=9)
corrplot.mixed(abs(cor(hf.mat1)), tl.pos="lt")
corrplot.mixed(abs(cor(hf.mat2)), tl.pos="lt")
corrplot.mixed(abs(cor(hf.mat3)), tl.pos="lt")
corrplot.mixed(abs(cor(hf.mat4)), tl.pos="lt")
corrplot.mixed(abs(cor(hf.mat5)), tl.pos="lt")
# quartz_off_screen 
#                 2

Session information

# R version 3.5.0 (2018-04-23)
# Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
# Running under: macOS Sierra 10.12.6
# Matrix products: default
# BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
# LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
# locale:
# [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
# attached base packages:
# [1] parallel  stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets 
# [8] methods   base     
# other attached packages:
#  [1] limma_3.36.2                corrplot_0.84              
#  [3] SummarizedExperiment_1.10.1 DelayedArray_0.6.1         
#  [5] matrixStats_0.53.1          Biobase_2.40.0             
#  [7] GenomicRanges_1.32.3        GenomeInfoDb_1.16.0        
#  [9] IRanges_2.14.10             S4Vectors_0.18.3           
# [11] BiocGenerics_0.26.0         sva_3.28.0                 
# [13] BiocParallel_1.14.2         genefilter_1.62.0          
# [15] mgcv_1.8-23                 nlme_3.1-137               
# [17] iasva_0.99.3                workflowr_1.0.1            
# [19] rmarkdown_1.9              
# loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#  [1] splines_3.5.0          lattice_0.20-35        htmltools_0.3.6       
#  [4] yaml_2.1.19            blob_1.1.1             XML_3.98-1.11         
#  [7] survival_2.42-3        R.oo_1.22.0            DBI_1.0.0             
# [10] R.utils_2.6.0          bit64_0.9-7            GenomeInfoDbData_1.1.0
# [13] stringr_1.3.1          zlibbioc_1.26.0        R.methodsS3_1.7.1     
# [16] evaluate_0.10.1        memoise_1.1.0          knitr_1.20            
# [19] irlba_2.3.2            AnnotationDbi_1.42.1   Rcpp_0.12.17          
# [22] xtable_1.8-2           backports_1.1.2        annotate_1.58.0       
# [25] XVector_0.20.0         bit_1.1-14             digest_0.6.15         
# [28] stringi_1.2.2          grid_3.5.0             rprojroot_1.3-2       
# [31] tools_3.5.0            bitops_1.0-6           magrittr_1.5          
# [34] RCurl_1.95-4.10        RSQLite_2.1.1          cluster_2.0.7-1       
# [37] whisker_0.3-2          Matrix_1.2-14          git2r_0.21.0          
# [40] compiler_3.5.0

This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr 1.0.1